men secretaries
I brooded about this, especially when I found out that as a secretary you could make as high as $100 no a week. Then an idea struck me. If a woman is what they want then a woman is what they'll get So I began my strategy.
I ordered a very good wig from a leading mail order firm. As soon as it came, I began to practice being a woman in spirit as well as in being. I worked hard at make-up, carriage, deportment and feminine mannerisms. I was determined that I would be as good a woman as any of them.
It took only a few weeks.
Strange, I felt that I was born to look as I did when dressed as a woman. I was pretty. Though as a man I was small and mousey looking. I made a very striking woman. Now, I must venture into the world. I was afraid, But I needed con- fidence. I decided that I would go to a restaurant, eat supper, then go to a show and then home Frightened but determined, I stepped out of my apartment and into a cab.
That first escapade went smoothly Though I prob- ably seemed very nervous and talked as though I had a very bad frog in my throught, no one paid any particular attention to me and soon I was home again
The days became agony, the nights esctasy. My life became a regular Jekyll and Hyde existence. I know that it could not go on for long, so I took a bold step I quit my job as Gary Stern, and reapplied for the very same job the next day as Gayle Storm.
I was immediately hired and in 6 months progressed to head of the department. I was in practice, my salary was now $70.00 a week, more than I had earned in 3 years as Gary. I got along just fine with girls. Life was wonderful. Then it happened.
I was told by the section head that I was to be inter- viewed by J. P. Calwell, Vice President of the firm as his new secretary. I was a little worried. Stories about